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Why can't I upload my photograph?
The maximum upload size is 2MB per photo. Please shrink your photo to under 2MB. If you are still experiencing difficulties, please contact us at and we will be able to help with your photo.
I want to enter more than 1 photo. Is it possible to pay with only 1 donation?
Yes it is possible. Please enter the amount you wish to donate (in multiples of £5) and we will link your donation to all your entries.
Is there a limit to how many photos I can upload?
No. You can enter as many categories as many times as you like. You will need to re-enter all your details to accompany each photo upload.
Why can't I see my photo(s) in the gallery on your website?
We are only able to put photos into the relevant gallery once we have received the donation(s) for the relevant photo(s).
Why do you want the last 4 digits of my payment card as ID?
Our QR code does not provide us with any information about our donors. The only way we can match your payment with our QR code report is via the last 4 digits of your payment card.
Can I gift aid this particular donation?
No. Unfortunately, for this particular donation, we are unable to claim Gift Aid.
If I am unable to make the donation with the QR code, is there an alternative payment method?
If the QR Code does not work for you, please click here to be re-directed to our Sumup page. If this still does not work for you, please contact us at and we will be able to help with your donation.
Are there any prizes for category winners?
Prizes for category winners include Butternut Box vouchers, Lily's Kitchen treats, Boodles treats.
What is the prize for the Most PUP'd pooch?
The prize for the overall winner, the Most PUP'd pooch, will be a 2-hour, early afternoon tea cruise for 25 people on board one of the Willow Trust's boats on the Gloucester-Sharpness Canal, departing from Saul Junction, GL2 7LA. The tea cruise will take place on a Saturday of your choice in 2024 between May and September. Note, there is no alcohol during this cruise.

The Willow Trust
Registered Charity Number: 328386
11a Whiteway Court
Cirencester GL7 7BA
Tel: 01285 651661
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